Thursday, 2 February 2017

Our French Life - out of the gloom.


Hello Dear Readers.

Well February is here and sorry I haven't been on here much but we have just about managed to get through January, life has been somewhat different since just before Christmas what with me having bladder infection one after the other, a dear friend finding out they have cancer and the disruption that something so life changing brings, then John has the flu or La Grippe as it is called here in France, such a fitting name I always think as it does grip you for sure, My birthday came and went without any celebration as I was of course playing nurse to John, we will of course do the celebration bit at a later date when John is better

It is all of the above that has made me think how really lucky I am to have my John and just how much I rely on him and how much he actually does for us both and friends too, even though he struggles to walk with arthritic knees, when he was staying in bed with the flu and it felt like I was alone it gave me a glimpse of what life would be like if I was left on my own or indeed if he was left on his own, I certainly now know that I must take some of the strain, it's a wake up call. The good thing is John will recover from his flu so in the grand scheme of things it's not so bad.
As for my bladder problems it seems I have a prolapsed bladder and will need surgery, not looking forward to that but glad it is in France and not the UK.

The very good news is that as I go out and down the garden path I can see that everything is starting to come back to life, all the daffodils, tulips and crocus are all up, little buds popping out from everywhere, after the really hard frosts we have experienced it is hard to believe these tender little souls have survived, it is like they are all waking up and stretching after a very long sleep.

Turned the Calender over for February, this is the one we get from the Pompier (firemen)

My Camelia in full bud

Tulips dafs and some weeds

Here is my tree peony, it was hidden in a hedge and we re planted it, lots of buds

Sadly I left this pot out and the frost has broken it.

So we are trying to remain positive and certainly looking forward to the better weather.

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