Wednesday, 26 October 2016

It's almost here

Hello Dear Readers,

Yes it is almost here, the nights are drawing in, everything in the garden looks like it has cuddled down under a blanket for the winter, the fog comes down like an extra cover to slow everything down, sometimes it clears in the morning if the sun decides to shine a few warm rays other times it lingers all day making driving difficult.
The reason we have so much fog is because everyone has a wood burner, its a shame that the log fire which is so comforting can produce such horrible stuff.

You can see the fog coming down again.

Also we had to say farewell to a neighbour we have known for 15 years, she has returned to the UK to be near her children as at 76 her health had gone downhill rendering her unable to get up the stairs to the bathroom, it was a big decision to make but I think it was the right one, farewell dear neighbour, we wish you well.

It is now the time to start meal planning for winter/comfort food and start cleaning and organising the house again, (nothing much gets done during the summer months) we are hoping for a visit soon from our friend Fernando from America after the sad loss of his dear wife Sue, we are ready here with lots of TLC.
The little ones will be round at the weekend for trick or treat, we have plenty of sweeties in for them, it is usually the local play group, and the clocks go back also, great we get an extra hour in bed, (I hibernate in winter)
At least we don't have to put up with fireworks as they don't celebrate bonfire night here.

I guess it is time to start thinking about all the things that are Christmas, watch this space.
Until next time x