Monday, 25 April 2016
Brrrr it's cold
Today the weather has changed back to winter, it is so cold my toes are curling, what on earth is going on, my poor old aching body needs some sun and the warmth that it brings, I have this desire to hang bunting and warm up the barbie, when oh when shall I be able to do this.
I popped into La Maison ( a DIY shop ) for some wood strips that hubby has a job for somewhere or other, he doesn't feel the cold at all and is in short sleeves while I am snuggled here with the fire on and a blanket round my shoulders, well they say "don't cast a clout until May is out" So, I thought no time like the present to do some French learning, I am at the moment looking at duolingo which is a very good free site but also I find Memrise good also, it is my blogging friend Paulita at click here to read her blog
Our rhubarb is growing out of control so I have purchased some foil containers so that I can make some crumbles to freeze (John's favourite)
In the meantime here are some pics from our village yesterday when hundreds of bikers travelled through to make people aware about giving blood, of course as brits here we are not allowed to do so here, they are too scared we will give them mad cow disease.
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