I know we are not supposed to take down the decorations until 6th January but once new year is over I always feel they are surplus to requirements, so down they had to come, I must admit we don't put an awful lot up - The tree of course with lights and a few other bits and bob's, some of which have been around since I was a child, Christmas was very special in our house but never seems to be the same now
It is a very old one but I might just get a new one for next year
John always struggles with the lights, putting them up and taking them down, I just let him get on with it, he has more patience than me.
All packed away for another year.
We have a fairly big Father Christmas but I forgot to take a picture of him and he has gone back into hibernation now.
As you can see it was John who took them all down and put them away, So while he was doing that I was cooking a nice Sunday lunch, just roast chicken roast spuds carrots and sprouts with stuffing and cranberry sauce, really enjoyed it, I tried to save the big glass dish from getting baked on by lining it with foil before cooking the chicken and roasters in it but it backfired as it took longer to get the baked on foil off and then had to scrub it, not one of my finer idea's
Must set the alarm tomorrow as we have been getting up later and later and although we are retired we do like to have a project or job to do on a daily basis, got to do the jobs while we still can :)
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