Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Breathalyser rule suspended;

Will we won't we?

For some time now the French government as been planning to make all drivers in France (including holiday makers) carry their own breathalyser kits, I am assuming in an effort to cut costs to the Police and it has to be said there have been  a few drawbacks, the main one being that the manufacturers couldn't get them made quickly enough and drivers were unable to get them, I know we tried several Pharmacies around but to no avail. So the powers that be decided to postpone again and again..

..It seems now you can get them and everyone has been out and bought them to avoid the fine of being found without one (well in fact two is the obligation) we no longer need them as the law is being shelved, it seems they are not too reliable or accurate, it makes one wonder if the ones the authorities use are, not that I drink and drive you understand..... watch this space!

France is an outstanding sporting destination with some of the prettiest countryside and at this time of year it is open season for le chasse (The Hunt) although I am never quite sure when it starts and finishes but I think it is September to March. of course it isn't fox hunting as we know it in England although they do hunt and shoot foxes to keep the population down, probably the only thing the French don't eat. 
it is not the usual racing across fields but more in the forests and really is a sport that also provides food, Red deer Stag, Roe deer, Wild-boar & Hare to name just a few.

And so the hunt starts
Apparently they have special days to hunt certain animals and cannot kill a different animal on that day so if Tuesday is for deer and they see a wild boar they cannot shoot it.