Wednesday, 27 July 2016


Hello dear reader's

I am writing today about something of which I am very disappointed (in myself)
There is one thing I said when we first came to France and continue to say I would definitely do and still haven't  managed - have you guessed what it is yet ?
Before we came we both had lessons and I certainly thought as you do that I was doing ok but once we got here permanently it became very apparent that I was not doing well at all, I have loads of French words in my head but they are all jumbled up and I need to unjumble them, of course I can make myself understood but I struggle to understand when they reply, sadly there are no French speakers here who speak text book french, they all have their own dialect.
The other mistake we have made is we have kept ourselves to ourselves and haven't joined any clubs etc; we have been happy in our own little world, most of our friends speak English (another mistake)
I am happy to tell you that we intend to change that this year, we are taking up french lessons in September and in the meantime we are going to revise at home and get out and about where we have to speak la francaise.

You see I am happy with this man's company and a stay at home gal.

What is your worst disappointment in life? Let me know