If you haven't got snow you must be in the tropics somewhere, it seems to be laying a blanket over most of Europe and the wind is very chilly, The Meteo says it is going to turn to rain later which inevitably means slush, very messy stuff, the good news for us is that the village is pretty much traffic free as they have stopped lorries coming through and what cars there are have to travel very slowly due to it being very slippy.
John managed to get to the Tabac to get the lottery ticket, we are hoping for some luck with it as we had a black cat in the garden yesterday which we have never seen before so here's hoping....
here are some pics of the snow covered village
Our House on directly on the right with green shutter
This is the restaurant opposite
The car park nearby
looking down to the pharmacie
Looking towards the post office and church
Looking towards our house on the right way into the distance
Looking towards the bank on left and Gendarmerie on right
Note to self "must get a dog"