Wednesday, 31 October 2012

I'm Back

Hi everyone, 

Sorry it has been a while since my last post but we have had colds and now I have a very painful leg which has made me feel quite unwell, diagnosed today as a parva phlebitis,( due to my varicose veins being shot to pieces) As usual I waited until it got worse before going to the Doc's and he has a wonderful way of telling you off..

Doc "How long have you had this pain in your leg"?
Me "since Sunday"
Doc "So why didn't you come and see me Monday"?
Me "Because I thought it would get better"
Doc "English logic, Bof"
Well that was me told off I guess, I now have to wear support hose, all the time to prevent it from recurring and they are very tight and uncomfortable. but I guess prevention is better than cure.
Also when I went to the pharmacy to get some anticoagulant tablets they did not have them in stock, normally they would be ordered and I would have to get them next day but because it is a bank holiday in France tomorrow they are being sent via special courier to be picked up at 5pm tonight, now that is service.

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I am by nature very disorganised so over the last few days I have been putting together a home management binder in an attempt to get myself organised and I must admit it seems to be working to some extent.

I am at present searching the internet to find a better design for the front cover because I don't think it looks very exciting and certainly lacks colour.

The inside cover has emergency numbers for such things as the Doctor, Pompier, Ambulance etc.
and a pocket for receipts so that I can keep a check on what we spend over each month.

This is a to do list but it is just a list and I don't know if it is just me but when you see something the same each day it eventually becomes mundane and you don't actually see it so I think I will design a different one for each day with silly pictures on or something that amuses me then it doesn't become so boring.

Anyway you get the picture, other things that I have in my binder are:

Yearly calendar 2nd yearly calendar for birthdaysFreezer inventoryPantry inventoryMonthly meal plannerShopping listWebsite passwords (in code) known only to us.Recipes we want to try 
I have sat down and planned meals for the whole month by looking at what is in the freezer also when I go shopping on a Saturday I look at the weeks menu's and see what we already have and anything needed goes on the shopping list - cool hey !
The inside pocket on the binder has a pouch for putting all receipts in because in the past I just throw them out without checking them. I know I can hear you all screaming at me - what - but that's me or used to be.
Over the next few weeks I will add to it anything I think will help me in my quest.
One thing I think it is very good for, if anything happens to me at least everything John needs to carry on as normal will be in this binder and it will hopefully feel as if a little bit of me is still around on a daily basis.
Any good ideas for this binder will be appreciated, 
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