Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Last day of August

Hello Dear Readers,

Yes it is the last day of August (Aout) it sort of makes me sad because when I think of September it feels like the summer is over and soon the Autumn will be setting in, I don't mind the Autumn but as you that know me well know I hate the winter, I am like a bear who hibernates, that said, the sun is still shining and we have temperatures of way over 30 degrees most days, in fact we have a canacule (heatwave) and a drought, so it can't be over yet I guess, sadly there are severe water restrictions so we can't water the gardens therefore the flowers are looking sad but we do give every bit of waste water (washing up water etc) for the flowers.

I brought these inside to give them an extra drink, and they have repaid me by looking so beautiful and fresh.

I am feeling so tired from the heat and not sleeping well due to it being too hot so I am taking it easy, John however has decided to sort out the very top roof space, this is a part of the house we haven't renovated and it is literally a roof space but it gets used for all those things we want to store, we haven't used these things for 3 years at least so we really don't want them, Emaus is getting them so someone else can benefit from them,

John making a mess ☺

What are you doing today?